ok I searched the forum on how to change or add my own template for the CB. (I really want the tabs to take on the style of the template and found this:
GJ features a "drop-in" style template system. With the template folder of GJs CB plugin folder simply create a folder for your template such as "mysite". Within that folder you'll want to place a copy of the default template.css file. Now simply edit template.css file to meet your needs. Once done select your template from GJs backend. No installations or database, etc.. changes necessary. Any files missing from your template will be taken from the default template, this includes CSS and PHP files so your template can be partial."
what,where , how? I have a local copy of the site and found the templates under
I copied default to an new folder, renamed and uploaded but if doesn't appear in any list - how do I tell CB its installed ? or is there more to do?