Hi Nant
I think I have found the problem – nothing to do with moving sites around - the SSL certificate for my site expired a couple of days ago (great service from my hosting supplier – no message or warning given…..).
I used Akeeba to move from mysite.co.uk to mytestsite.co.uk. So this morning I tried again moving to another domain and I get the same problem. But this time, the first time I try to access the invoices I get a browser security warning (which, I now remember, I got before).
So I change the CB-Subs Settings > Global >PCI-DSS settings >Credit-Card Form http(s) mode from “Force HTTPS on CBSubs forms” to “Keep HTTP/HTTPS mode as is” – and the invoices display OK. Changing this option back causes the problem to re-appear.
So the test site is now working OK – but ideally I’d like to return to “Force HTTPS on CBSubs forms”. Hopefully getting a new certificate will sort the problem, but if not I’ll contact you again.
Please accept my apologies for the time I’ve wasted – I guess the only benefit is that you can add this to your knowledge database – just in case it happens again.
Many thanks