Hello Everyone
I have Joomla! 2.5.1, Kunena 1.7.2, CB 1.7.1.
I have a secure area where CB and Kunena reside. Logging in with CB module works just fine. Logging out from outside Kunena also fine; it returns you to the public site home page.
If I logout from within Kunena, I go to a "please log in" page. This needs to be index.php, the home page of the public site.
I think the logout from within Kunena uses a predetermined action, i.e. "go to login" and not the CB login module.
Is it possible to set up a redirect in Joomla! xxxx_redirect_links so that if kunena preset says go to "please log in", it redirects to index.php? What would be the syntax for that URL?
Barring that, can I just delete the Profile tab in Kunena, thus forcing people to log out via CB login module?