The below fatal JS errors were found in error console.
Please specify a ShareThis Publisher Key For help, contact [REMOVED]
The above looks like it's coming from the share module above your menu.
IN: templates/rt_mixxmag_j15/js/rokmoomenu.js
ON: Line 21
ul.animate is not a function
The above is coming from your drop-down menu (Home, Advertising, etc..).
FB.login() called before FB.init().
The above is due to something else loading in Facebooks API before FBC can. Please disable -all- other Facebook related extensions. This is because a 3rd party extension is loading in Facebooks API after FBC and overriding it. You can't have 2 Facebook JS libraries loaded in at the same time.
My guess is this is coming from your "Find us on Facebook" usage, which you should switch to their "iframe" usage or let FBC render it by supplying just the HTML5 of the social plugin. Do not include the "script" element.