Dear Krileon,
Thanks for your reply. I understand you can't offer support for SuperActivity2. I was only hoping that someone would recognize the problem or has some idea of what could cause this problem.
To answer your questions:
The avatar does indeed show up on all pages (also the homepage), but not on the superactivity2 page.
The CB Login module is displayed in my header, with avatar, and is shown on all pages. This module with avatar, IS visible in the superactivity2 page.
Substitution used: [cb:usertab tab="20" user="#displayedOrMe" /]
I have also tried this with the field value 'avatar'. And I tried Userdata field:avatar. When I do this. On all pages, the link to the avatar is shown. On the SuperActivity2 page, only the text "xxxUserdata field:avatar xx etc" is shown. So it looks like the link to the avatar is missing. I actually don't get why this should be different to the link to the small avatar in the login module.
Since the login module and superactivity2, use the avatar: tnnophoto_n.png and in the tab and field value, there is a link to the avatar: nophoto_n.png. I assume there is something wrong with the link to that avatar in SuperActivity2.
But, when I alter the settings of SuperActivity2, to only show users own activities, the avatar does show. When I change it to show ALL activities, the avatar does not show.
Could there be a conflict with showing all the activities and the link to the current logged in user?
Is there possibly a way to make a direct link to the avatar in the database? Or is there a way to make a 'if' substitution. If user has an uploaded avatar, show it, if not, show picture 'xxx.png'?
Well, this is a long reply
but hope someone could show me in the right direction.