I have tried to create a new nested group not only through a Group Users but also as Mod, and Admin but the only case when I am successful is when I log in as Super Users.
Then I have tried to debug the code and this is what I gather:
a) I get a "No groups available msgs" because this line in component.cbgroupjive.php
$groups = cbgjData::listArray( cbgjData::getGroups( array( array( 'grp_nested_create' ), $user ), $where ) );
sets $group to null.
b) walking backworks, this depends on the query being run from this line in cbgroupjive.class.php:
$_CB_database->setQuery( $query );
The query is:
SELECT a.* FROM `#__groupjive_groups` AS a WHERE ( a.`user_id` = 139 )
AND ( a.`category` = '23' ) ORDER BY a.`ordering` ASC
and there is no sign of the group id being included in the WHERE clause.
So I don't see how the Create New Group form could get the parent group displayed as an option if it is neither queried nor taken from a var in memory.
I have also checked that the two files I mention above are the ones from rc2 dtsribution and they have been installed correctly.