I think I'm going to need a bit more education than what the manual is providing regarding actually sending out the mail queues that have been set forth in the Mailer configs.
I have built my mailer based on sending out an email "at" "last online date" starting on feb 13th (yesterday) and have set 'exclusions' with the Conditions tab of "not this condition" if they are already subscribers of a certain plan.
I have then clicked on this link in Automatic Settings:
this generates the queue with the exclusions as set forth in the mailer (53 emails in the cue - which is right cuz I have 56 members, 3 of which already belong to the 'certain' plan)
I then click on Messages Queue button and see the list of the 53 emails I need to send out.
So to test this - I logged in as a test user, and expected an email to be generated because this test user is not a member of 'certain' plan and had just logged into site - as the mailer is designated.
If I check that test user's line in the queue, and hit "send emails" - I'm taken back to page with cron task links as I posted above -- same screen as "Automatic Settings"
Also - my time stamp is off. My global configs have my site set as they should be -7:00 GMT (Mountain time USA) - but yet the queue times states
Date To Email:
02/14/2012 17:39:22
So that's 5:39:22 pm and I generated this queue at 10:39pm (22:39:00) on Feb 14th.
What am I missing? Could this not be working cuz of my errors I posted above?