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It displays latest ProfileBook entries. It's very customizable however, please see the modules parameters while editing the module in Joomla module manager.1) What is the usage of 'mod_cbpblatest_1.2', I have Installed it as a Module from Extension Manager and assigned a Position. I don't see anything at that Position?
That's how your Joomla template is styled; it has a border applied to tables. You can set CB to use a DIV layout to remove some of the table usage within CB > Configuration > User Profile however this won't affect plugins that are designed to use tables.2) on My Profile the Table outlines are showing (refer CBissue.JPG), but it's not the case on your DEMO screenshots.
The Guestbook, Wall, and Blog tabs are 3 separate usages of the plugin. Wall does not show on Guestbook and vise verse. To post on a Guestbook you must view a profile other then your own.3) The profilebook Tab even after posting comments on 'ProfileBlog' and 'ProfileWall' Shows "This user currently doesn't have any posts." (refer CBissue.JPG)
Set a user to Author and they can create articles, but you'll have to publish the articles for them unless you make them Publishers. This is done within CB > User Management by changing their usergroup. CB comes with an article tab to display a users articles. Alternatively you can use incubator project CB Articles which does the same, but more elegantly and provides more features (paging/searching) as well as supports K2.4) Do CB have any Article Manager, K2 type Plugin? Where Registered user can Post their article and after approval get published ? Please Let me Know !
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