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[SOLVED] Problem with CB 1.8 RC/RC2 and uddeim

  • fribse2011
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13 years 2 weeks ago - 12 years 10 months ago #191589 by fribse2011
It seems that after going to RC and now RC2, I've gotten a problem with uddeim (2.6) and CB integration.

If I use the pms.mypmspro plugin, I get an error thrown:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare uddeIMgetUserTZ() (previously declared in ./public_html/components/com_uddeim/uddeimlib15.php:30) in ./components/com_uddeim/uddeimlib25.php on line 33

When the message is delivered (in this regards a connection request), the URL in the message is not encoded properly, but mere shown as text:
Du har en afventende ven, natti! BEMÆRK: Dette er en automatisk afsendt besked fra vennesystemet. Det har vennens adresse indsat så du kan svare direkte på denne besked. [url=]natti[/url] har bedt om at blive tilføjet som ven med dig og afventer din godkendelse. Accepter eller afvis anmodningen. [url=]Administrer venner[/url]

Using the Uddeim's own plugin still produces strange newline results, showing \n instead of newlines.

Best regards

Frømandsklubben Nikon,
We're a volunteer driven diving club in Ishøj, Denmark.
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Last edit: 12 years 10 months ago by krileon.

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  • krileon
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13 years 2 weeks ago #191601 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Re: Problem with CB 1.8 RC/RC2 and uddeim

If I use the pms.mypmspro plugin, I get an error thrown:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare uddeIMgetUserTZ() (previously declared in ./public_html/components/com_uddeim/uddeimlib15.php:30) in ./components/com_uddeim/uddeimlib25.php on line 33

We don't have such a class declared anywhere within CB. Recommend checking if UddeIM has a newer version or posting to UddeIM boards to see if they're aware of the issue.

When the message is delivered (in this regards a connection request), the URL in the message is not encoded properly, but mere shown as text:

You need to set UddeIM to allow for full bbcode usage.

Using the Uddeim's own plugin still produces strange newline results, showing \n instead of newlines.

Problem in UddeIMs plugin, believe it's some sort of addslashes implementation. Recommend searching as believe workarounds have been provided already.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • nant
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13 years 2 weeks ago #191632 by nant
I have been testing uddeIM 2.6 with CB 1.8 RC2 on a Joomla 2.5.1 environment without any issues - I cannot replicate what you are seeing.

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  • fribse2011
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13 years 2 weeks ago #191652 by fribse2011
Replied by fribse2011 on topic Re: Problem with CB 1.8 RC/RC2 and uddeim
Very very strange, I do have quite a few cb plugins on the site as well, but I don't think they should interfere. I'm using the danish translation of CB here.

Best regards

Frømandsklubben Nikon,
We're a volunteer driven diving club in Ishøj, Denmark.
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  • nant
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13 years 2 weeks ago #191655 by nant
should be simple enough to test on a clean site with just joomla,cb and uddeim

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  • fribse2011
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13 years 2 weeks ago #191677 by fribse2011
Replied by fribse2011 on topic Re: Problem with CB 1.8 RC/RC2 and uddeim
Yes, it will take me a couple of days to set it up, this is not something I've done that many times :-)

Best regards

Frømandsklubben Nikon,
We're a volunteer driven diving club in Ishøj, Denmark.
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