Hi there,
first of all this is what I installed:
- Joomla 1.7.5
- CB 1.8RC2
- CBSubs 1.3.0RC1
- com_adsmanager
- plug_admanager-tab
(... besides a number of other extensions without importance in this case).
Everything is working the way it should as far as I can judge by now. CBSubs is only installed but not set up yet. Before I start doing this I have to consider the following task:
Via the adsmanager component the site provides a small flea market for all registered users. They can offer or seek items in different categories. This works fine.
Next approach is to provide a market-place for subscribers where they can offer/seek business services. No problem, so far. The key point is that these ads may never be displayed next to the ads of the flea market, neither for 'normal' registrated users nor for subscribers. Subscribers should see ONLY the flea market entries when they visit this menu item and ONLY the service ads should displayed to them in this particular section. There must be a strict division in two areas. Do you understand what I mean?
'Please ask the guys at joomprod.com' might be the correct answer. Please be assured: I got over that! No idea.
So my question is: Is there an opportunity to manage the adsmanager views via subscription plan? Or should I use a second component for the service ads? (Is there another one available that can access to CB user data anyway?)
Thank you for ideas or suggestions!
(and sorry for my limited language skills)