The below query examples will set privacy for tabs or fields. You could use them in CBSubs SQL Actions.
INSERT INTO `#__comprofiler_privacy` ( `userid`, `type`, `xid`, `rule` ) VALUES ( '[user_id]', 'tab', TAB_ID, PRIVACY )
With the above replace TAB_ID with the actual ID of the tab (see CB > Tab Management for tabid).
INSERT INTO `#__comprofiler_privacy` ( `userid`, `type`, `xid`, `rule` ) VALUES ( '[user_id]', 'field', FIELD_ID, PRIVACY )
With the above replace FIELD_ID with the actual ID of the field (see database table _comprofiler_fields for fieldid).
Both usages of the above you can replace PRIVACY with one of the below values to set the privacy value. You may also want to use REPLACE instead of INSERT INTO encase a row already exists and allow it to be replace with your new row.
(blank) = √ Visible on profile
1 = ↔ Only to logged-in users
2 = ∴ Only for direct connections
3 = … Also for connections' connections
99 = ⊗ Invisible on profile