My site is working a lot and the main structure is CB and CBSubs
Now i want to grow it, but i would like to do some batch actions, i would like to know if is possible or if will be possible some time, maybe with CB 2.0
Now my site is built just for one city
I have 25 userlists with specific filters
I have 25 menu itens going to this userlists
City one:
- Hatha Yoga (filter - kind LIKE %Hatha Yoga%)
- Astanga Yoga (filter - kind LIKE %Astanga Yoga%)
- ...
- Iyengar Yoga (filter - kind LIKE %Astanga Yoga%)
- neighborhood 1 (filter - where LIKE %neighborhood 1%)
- neighborhood 2 (filter - where LIKE %neighborhood 2%)
- ...
but i would like to have the same for other cities...
I would like to know if is possible:
1) Select the 25 userlists and copy (duplicate)
2) Create a menu link for all 25 new userlists (in one action, not one by one)
3) Insert in the first 25 userlists the filter (city LIKE %City 1%)
Insert in the second 25 userlists the filter (city LIKE %City 2%)
My idea is to have for some cities, and will not be possible without batch actions!
Thanks in advance