1. In CB User List (List Management) can we sort users according to their profile book rating or number of comments that users received?
Nope, but you can Filter them using an Advanced filter to query the database. However, none of this has anything to do with the module.
2. Can we show only summary of profile book comment on this module? Something like only 40 words are shown in the module, then click the summary and whole words of comments will be shown.
Nope, it shows the fully entry. You'd need to edit the module to shorten the comment replacement.
3. Can we show number of comments that users receiced in user profile page, like "cb_pb_profile_rating" which show rating avg that users received through profile book on user profile page.
Possibly, as it allows for substitutions you could add a CB Query Field that queries database for total posts then substitute that field into the module.