Joomla 1.5.26
CB 1.8
I have a community website which has used CB for quite along time. Some time ago I started having an issue with updating profiles in the front end and the rear administration area. After putting in some research on it a couple different times I found no real solutions.
So now the issue seems to have compounded into issues with the registration process.
1. Issue: When updating profile from front end an error is given and updates not made.
This is the error on front end with out any debugging.
In pop up box:
moscomprofiler::store failed: Unknown column 'bw' in 'field list' SQL=UPDATE `jos_comprofiler` SET `user_id`=62,`firstname`='Bruce',`lastname`='Cheyney',`hits`='16',`message_last_sent`='0000-00-00
Below the title EDIT YOUR DETAILS after closing pop up box from above:
moscomprofiler::store failed: Unknown column 'bw' in 'field list' SQL=UPDATE `jos_comprofiler` SET `user_id`=62,`firstname`='Bruce',`lastname`='Cheyney',`hits`='16',`message_last_sent`='0000-00-00 00:00:00',`message_number_sent`='0',`avatar`='62_4d13418e966bd.jpg',`avatarapproved`='1',`approved`=1,`confirmed`=1,`registeripaddr`='',`cbactivation`='',`banned`='0',`acceptedterms`='0',`lastupdatedate`='2012-04-29 02:43:50',`website`='',`location`='',`occupation`='',`interests`='',`city`='',`state`='',`zipcode`='',`country`='usa',`cb_versions`='',`cb_timeflying`='',`cb_pilotexp`='',`cb_atcexp`='',`cb_airlineexp`='',`cb_expinfo`='',`cb_infoexp`='',`cb_helpus`='',`bw`='20',`limiter`='0' WHERE id='62'
2. Issue: After registering and clicking on the verification email link CB sends visitor to the website and states registration complete and to log in.
When attempting to log in after registration activation the following message is given.
"Your registration process is not yet complete! Please check again your email for further instructions that have just been resent. If you don't find the email, check your spam-box. Make sure that your email account options are not set to immediately delete spam. If that was the case, just try logging in again to receive a new instructions email."
Thanks For any help