Joomla! 1.5.26
CB 1.8
CBSubs 1.3.0 RC2
Our Association offers Full membership subscriptions and Full members can also subscribe up to 4 Family members (at a reduced rate).
I have set up a parent Plan (Full) with four child plans (Fam Mem 1, Fam Mem 2, Fam Mem 3, Fam Mem 4). At Registration, the subscription plans are offered first so that the potential member can see the membership options and how much he will have to pay, followed by the registration form.
There are 3 CB Fields for each potential family member (Title 1, First Name 1, Surname 1, Title 2, First Name 2, Surname 2, Title 3, etc.). Is there a way that I can only display the fields for the selected Family Plans and hide the rest?
I have tried hiding the fields in the Full Plan settings, and then hiding the fields for subsequent family members in the Family Plans' settings, but the Full Plan's settings override the children's settings.