I've tried posting with a 'registered user', no change in the rank displaying.
It is shown as Administrator if the user is merely registered.
In the ACL, only the group Registered is ticked in the level Registered. The group Club Member, is ticked for the level Member.
If you wish to see it for yourself, you're welcome to have some credentials for the backend?
My fear is that because I've experimented with the new forum plugin, something has gone wrong somewhere.
The fact that it is shown correctly in 'Beginner' mode also tells me that Kunena shows it correctly, and the groups are correct, it is the substitution that somehow is wrong.
The substition I've used is:
<ul class="kpost-profile"> <li class="kpost-username"><a rel="nofollow" title="" href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=[user_id]&Itemid=47" class="kwho-admin">[cb:userfield field="formatname"/]</a></li> <li class="kpost-avatar"><a rel="nofollow" title="" href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=[user_id]&Itemid=47" class="kwho-admin"><span class="kavatar">[cb:userfield field="avatar"/]</span></a></li> <li>[cb:userfield field="onlinestatus"/]</li> <li class="kpost-userrank">[cb:userfield field="forumrank"/]</li> <li class="kpost-userposts">Posts: [cb:userfield field="forumposts"/]</li> <li class="kpost-karma">Karma: [cb:userfield field="forumkarma"/] [karmaminus] [karmaplus]</li> <li>[cb:userfield field="cb_bestyrelse"/]</li> </li>
<li><a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&act=connections&task=addConnection&connectionid=[user_id]" title="Tilføj som ven"> <img src="http://www.dkdb.dk/components/com_kunena/template/dkdb/images/icons/friend.png"></a> <a title="Klik her for at sende en privat besked til denne bruger" href="/component/uddeim/?task=new&recip=[user_id] ">
<span class="kicon-profile kicon-profile-pm" alt="Klik her for at sende en privat besked til denne bruger"></span></li>
It's like the administrator is displayed, because it has '0' in the 'demand' for number of posts to fullfill the rank in Kunena, and that it doesn't see if they have the other requirements.