Here is what I'm trying to do. I want to give the option to users to have a video or a Youtube Channel or an avatar as their main profile picture. So I give them 3 choices. I took the two fields (video and channel) and put them on the Contact Info tab along with a radio button with three choices (youtube channel, video from anywhere, or avatar). I use field delimiters and if statements to select the value of what I want to display on a different tab (not the contact info tab). I'm using the Video plugin just released. When the user selects the channel, its fine, because Im surrounding the value with the youtube embed code, so it works. But when I place the Video value from the plugin, all it shows is the URL (because thats what the user inputted). How do I get the full output of the video plugin (with the <param....etc.) into a different tab than the one its hosted on, as opposed to just having it spit out the value of what the user inputted. Am I making sense? I want to have the user input the URL on the contact info tab and then have the video displayed on a different tab using if statements. Its just spitting out the URL.