I have 2 groups on my site.
I create 2 tabs. The first tab has a text field witha url in it. The second tab has a delimiter field that is based on said URL.
I want the first group to be able to input the URL on the first tab, and able to see the delimiter field on the second tab. This is fine.
I want the second group to only see the second tab (the one with the delimiter field) on the front end only.
So what I do is make the first tab (that has the URL), accessible through ACL to the first group only. This hides it from the second group. This is good. But the second tab shows up for both groups, both on the front end and the back end (I want it to show for the first group, front and back. but for the secong group, front only, because it serves no purpose to show for the second group on their backend while they are editing their profile, because it has nothing in it and shows nothing).
How can I do this?