Hi, I have two kind of gateways: offline payment and 2Checkout.
The question is: Why 2CO making the payment in dollar to my costumers?
sorry but maybe i dont understand at all :blush:
I set all the parameters to make the operation in argentine peso.
2CO accept argentine peso.
this is my configuration for 2CO gateway:
This is my configuration for every plan:
This is what the costumers see when they paid using 2CO:
ARS means Argentine Pesos
When the costumer recieve the resume see the mont in dollar ( in this case 23 dollar )
So they call me and says, Hey why in dollar?? I want to cancel my suscription
Of course, because in Argentina 1 dollar means 6 Pesos and is impossible to get some dollars here...
I thought that was charged in Pesos :blush:
Maybe i need to try another gateway, someone who accept pesos, charge in pesos and take his percentage in pesos, everything in pesos. exist?
Or there are something that i need to do on 2CO? :S