Correct.ok, so that means, that i have to make four tabs for example and than the fields for registration, and put the different fields into different tubs. so i have each tub as a step right?!
Those are conditionals. CB Conditionals is for show/hide fields/tabs based off other fields or self. This is the main purpose of the plugin. It also however has Step by Step independent of those conditionals. You don't have to use the conditionals. You can leave them all alone and simply just enable step by step.But nowhere it is explained, how i can use the lot of functions of every field for regsistration. For example i can choose between the cb configuration and the field "conditional others" and the field "conditional self". If i choose one of the last two ones there opens again a lot of fields and i dont know, what to do with it!
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Working as intended. CB Captcha is its own step as it's not a field that can be moved to any tab.- The plugin CBreCaptcha last tab always appears alone;
Don't understand the issue. "Introduction text for registration" shows at the top of the first step and "Concluding text for registration" shows at the bottom of the last step.- The text of the conclusion of the recording is displayed in the first and second tab. In the first tab to the top while in the second tab to the end.
Terms and conditions will always try to be moved to the bottom of the last step.- The terms and conditions the field is displayed in the second Table
What fields?These three fields, unlike the others, I do not know how to move given that do not appear in the management of CB fields.
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