You've a couple of issues coming from your Joomla template. Please see the below CSS.
IN: templates/theme136/css/template.css
ON: Line 104
.sectiontableentry1 div, .sectiontableentry0 div {
font-size: 1px;
The above should be removed as it's making all the font 1 pixel.
IN: templates/theme136/css/template.css
ON: Line 88
.sectiontableentry1 a {
color: black;
The above is making all the links black, which you've now changed the orange to black so it's black on black making it impossible to see the links and also should be removed.
IN: templates/theme136/css/template.css
ON: Line 89
.sectiontableentry1 a:hover {
color: #000;
The above is causing the links on hover to turn black so when you mouseover you can't see them anymore and this also should be removed.
Once the 3 changes above are made it'll look perfectly fine.