config: Joomla 2.5.6, CB 1.8.1, CB Activity 1.0.1
I have some difficulties to configure CB Activity:
1/ Tab Display
The tab "Activity" is not displayed as configured:
(in the following the config is : display= self and connections")
1.a It does not appear in the following config:
for the current user when configuration is access for "self".
for the connexion when configuration is access for "connection only"
1.b It appears only for connected users when configuration is access for "connections and self". It should appear also for self, but does not appear.
2/ Date display
2.a: i cannot make the date displayed, whatever the type of configuration
(either in the tab or in the "recent" page).
3/ Profile Display shift
on refresh of the browser page, display issue:
after display of the Activity tab contents, the profile display is shifted right and lower ... wondering why, I have found no explanation. This happens automatically when the page is left untouched for some seconds.