Thank you very much for taking care of ACL propagation on the active session. I'm trying to think on a work-around around about this.
So, please let answer my last question.
I'd would like to implement a sort of subscription coupon (password protected) to let some user to get the same subscription (plan1) of normal paid plan (plan1).
In others words: when a registred user on Community Builder, fills the "coupon form" (coupon-code and password are stored in a custom table and the correspondence is cheked by a php script), then the user should get the same subscription plan than other paying users (plan1).
I'm trying to implement this using two custom modules included in two joomla articles (using loadposition wrapper): the first article-module contains the form, the second article-module contains the php script to update database and it contains the confirmation message for the user.
To do this I have to update several tables, making a lot of queries checks to avoid double entries:
jom25_cbsubs_subscriptions (new line insert)
jom25_comprofiler (to update the field 'usertype')
jom25_groupjive_users (new line insert)
jom25_groupjive_notifications (new line insert)
jom25_user_usergroup_map (new line insert)
jom25_cbsubs_notifications (new line insert) probably I don't need this
jom25_cbsubs_history (new line insert) probably I don't need this
Do you have better way to achieve this? For example with some cbsubs plug-in I don't know yet?
Thank you very much, and sorry for boring.