umm bit of a problem ....I checked the user database and I had
Warning: 12 entries in the core_acl_aro table without corresponding users table rows.
Following entries of user_usergroup_map table are missing in users table: user id=65 (aro_id=), user id=66 (aro_id=), user id=84 (aro_id=), user id=156 (aro_id=), user id=511 (aro_id=), user id=577 (aro_id=), user id=602 (aro_id=), user id=615 (aro_id=), user id=672 (aro_id=), user id=816 (aro_id=), user id=916 (aro_id=), user id=1604 (aro_id=). This core_acl_aro entry with aro_id 0 should be removed, as it's not allowed.
so I clicked (HERE) to fix the problem and now it seems I have lost the 10300 users on cb except me although I still have users on the joomla users menu
So basically I suppose I have to now pay for a restore or restore the site myself if I have time