I have been using sh404SEF alongwith community builder.
I have enabled the option to use CB username with profile url and have also used htaccess to remove index.php/ from url
So now for any viewer of the profile(other than the owner,say
abc) the url looks like
But when the owner visits his own profile, the link looks like
i want to setup a redirect such that everytime when
abc visits his own profile, the link appears to be as
How can I do that?
In short,I want to setup a redirect from index.php?option=com_comprofiler&Itemid=490&lang=en to index.php?option=com_comprofiler&Itemid=490&lang=en&task=userprofile&user=[user_id] Before Profile Display....
If I use the Before Profile Display trigger in Auto Actions,then it starts flooding because of redirect requests happening infinitely. How can i put a condition to check current url?