In case anyone wants to do this and is using CBsubs, I created some code to spit out all of your users along with plan, status, and expiration date. The names are linked to their profiles so an admin can go to their profile and edit if needed. Not the prettiest code out there, but it works. Install Jumi and then add this into a new application (edit as required):
<h1>All Members (Active and Expired), listed by date</h1>
Plans:<br />
1 = Standard<br />
2 = Military<br />
3 = Retired<br />
4 = Educator<br />
5 = New Grad<br />
6 = Honorary<br />
7 = Student<br />
8 = Ancillary<br />
<em>9 not used</em><br />
10 = Other<br />
<em>11 not used</em><br />
12 = Sponsor
<br /><br />
A = Active<br />
X = Expired<br />
C = Canceled<br />
U = Unpaid<br />
I = Incomplete
<hr "class=dotted" />
$user = & JFactory::getUser();
$db = & JFactory::getDBO();
$query = "SELECT a.`name`
, a.`username`
, a.`email`
, c.`status` as status
, b.`cb_active` as active
, c.`plan_id` AS plan
, c.`subscription_date` AS subscribed
, c.`last_renewed_date` AS renewed
, c.`expiry_date` AS expires
FROM `j17_users` AS a
INNER JOIN `j17_comprofiler` AS b
ON b.`user_id` = a.`id`
INNER JOIN `j17_cbsubs_subscriptions` AS c
ON c.`user_id` = b.`user_id`
AND b.`confirmed` = 1
AND b.`approved` = 1
AND b.`banned` = 0
ORDER BY c.`expiry_date` DESC, a.`name`";
$db->setQuery( $query );
$result = $db->loadObjectList();
echo "<table border='0'><tbody>";
foreach($result as $row)
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>Name: <a href='hXXp://";
echo $row->username;
echo "'>";
echo $row->name;
echo "</a></td>";
echo "<td>Member Type: ";
echo $row->plan;
echo ", ";
echo $row->status;
echo "</td>";
echo "<td>Expire(s/d): ";
echo $row->expires;
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</tbody></table>";