Hi thanks for the reply.
It's Joomla 2.5.6 with CB 1.8.1 (just downloaded) And Groupjive 2.5.3 RC1.
The file is located here:
The part of the text that I edit is:
//Registration form
DEFINE('_UE_REG_COMPLETE_NOPASS','<div class="componentheading">
Registration Complete</div>'
Your password has been sent to the e-mail address you entered.</p>'
Please check your email (including your spambox). When you receive your password you will then be able to log in.</p>');
DEFINE('_UE_REG_COMPLETE','<div class="componentheading">
Registration Complete!</div>'
etcetera.. there is more but it's all the same.
I have also tried editing the file in advance, repacking the plugin and reinstalling it.. but I get the same results. Almost looks like some restriction, don't get it.
I have included the dutch.php and the dutch ang.php which is the edited version so far. (under the header //Registration form) Obviously I rename the dutch ang.php to dutch.php before I replace the old one