Hmm, I had put this away, to get some fresh eyes on it, but it's still not working properly.
I'll start from the top
I have these fields:
name (predefined)
cb_adresse (text)
cb_postnrby (delimiter)
cb_medlemsnummer (integer)
cb_betalt (multiselect)
placed in a list
Users enter a field called cb_postnummer in their profile.
cb_by is then found via a query looking like this:
[cb:if cb_postnummer!=""]SELECT `by` FROM `kef_postnumre` WHERE `nr` = '[cb_postnummer]'[/cb:if]
cb_postnrby is then defined as a delimiter field containing
[cb_postnummer] [cb_by]
I tried both the 'if' construction and the select construction, the if produced the city, but didn't solve the problem, the select didn't produce the city (as shown below).
Notice that for the person that doesn't have a city given, the two fields are empty (as they should be), but on the next line the 'tag-replacement' in the delimiter field fails. Maybe the problem lies in the delimiter field instead?