I have set up 6 plans for my site.
What I need is for 2 of these plans to be offered on free trial until 31st December. So access to the web site would be free up until 31st December for those plans only.
I have been through the promotions area and I can't see how to do this. The date here is not because we want to normally run calendar based subs, so the Timing tab doesn't work, it's just a launch promotion until the end of the year.
A normal subscription lasts a year, so I've created these plans appropriately, but I can't see how to allow sign up to these plans for free for a limited period and then to start charging from 1st January.
Would you let them sign up to the plans for free, using a basic coupon and then have to manually expire them on the 31st December?
Or is there some other way I'm missing?