Apologies for this, possibly brain-fade on my behalf – but how does an administrator edit the dates of a user’s subscription? (I’d like to be able to use this facility for testing and also to offer ‘problem’ customers a 3 or 6 month extension to their subscriptions).
In older versions I’m sure that I was able to click on a user name in the CB-Subs subscriptions display to both view and edit the dates. Now if I do that, although the tooltip for the user is “edit this subscription”, the resulting display only shows a ‘subscription’ tab (and other tabs) allowing me to unsubscribe or delete, but I can’t see how to change dates.
Can I do this in CB Sub 2.0.2, and if so, how?
Please accept my apologies if the answer is obvious, but I’ve searched the forums and manual without any success.
Many thanks