I had a simple CB subscription form (no payments) which worked fine.
I now installed CBSubs with 2 Plans (a default plan and a 2nd reduced price plan) and 2 payment gateways (offline payment and paypal).
Page 1 of the subscription process works fine (
). On page 2 the user needs to select his payment method and then confirm, but the confirmation button is not doing anything when the user clicks (looks like it's deactivated) so the user is stuck and can't finish the payment process.
Not sure how this can be explained, what am I missing?
In the backend the users are being created but the status of the payments baskets reads 'not initiated'.
I tried by changing the plan workflows eliminating any obstacles I could think of (no e-mail approval / no admin approval / etc.) but that doesn't help.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
[using Joomla 2.5.6 / CB 1.8.1 / CBSubs 2.0.2]