I've just moved my site from XAMMP on windows dev server to a live linux host.
I've just spent hours trying to figure out why I was receiving error 500 on both the front and back end, when the site was working perfectly on my machine.
Turns out, that the only way I can get my site up is by disabling the cbpaidsubsbot.
Any ideas wtf is going on?
There is one thread that mentions similar behaviour but nothing else.
jos-Error: Application Instantiation Error
plgSystemDebug -> __destruct()
JFactory :: getApplication() @ /home/linweb11/h/housesitmatch.com/user/htdocs/r4teius77699/plugins/system/debug/debug.php:158
JError :: raiseError() @ /libraries/joomla/factory.php:99
JError :: raise() @ /libraries/joomla/error/error.php:251
JError :: throwError() @ /libraries/joomla/error/error.php:176
JError :: handleCallback() @ /libraries/joomla/error/error.php:214
plgSystemRedirect :: handleError() @ /libraries/joomla/error/error.php:765
JFactory :: getApplication() @ /plugins/system/redirect/redirect.php:37
JError :: raiseError() @ /libraries/joomla/factory.php:99
JError :: raise() @ /libraries/joomla/error/error.php:251