Hi krielon, thanks for your support! I'm sorry i had no time to continue my web working this last time.
Actually, i can increment and i'm :dry:
I explain why. When i have see your message, i have check ajaxpoint field configuration. I have no touch more that in past. Check my SEF (Not active).
I have create (again) a new layer in my page profil (Community Builder Profil Pro) for a good integration and its working.
I don't understand why because i have directly test all position (no layer, layer), test all configuration of my ajax field in last time before post..
So i think that its my error or a bug caused by the display bug with a wrong code. Its maybe for that (Layer).. Im really surprise that its working now and i'm sorry to disturb you for nothing..
Well,Im very happy too
and i want to say you Thanks you very much for you attention!
I think that if i hadnt response.. I take this plugin and throw in dustbin.. A really big error!!! This plugin is really fine and good working! The developer who have create it have do a very good work!
Cheers m8!