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crissake wrote: Good Evening All,
I am have loads of problems configuring the Registration system, People can register using the CB system and their details appear in the CB list but the also appear in the Joomla (ver 2.5.7) registration list. I understand I need to disable the JOOMLA registration system which should prevent this from happening but cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it, HELP.
Also when somebody does register the system is not sending our the email to them , or me for that matter, informing them that their registration is pending HELP.
Regards in anticipation
Pat Thompson
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crissake wrote: Good Morning,
Thank you Nant, the problem appears to be solved. In the case of the mail problem the solution was buried on the Global/Server/Mail Settings Tab,
anyway thanks to my inexperience and your most helpful intervention the problem appears to have gone away.
Pat aka crissake
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