In the global configuration the site is Offline.
Someone (can't remember who) told me to do this like this, because this is an intranet, and not accesible to the public. So it is not accessible for the public. The standard acceslevel is only for intranettoegang(only for people on the userlist).
You say "Try creating a Joomla menu link to the forgot login page and see if that works."
That does not work.
The point is that login is working fine like this. When someone goes to the url he sees the login. When he/she knows his/hers logindata evrything is fine.
What I want is to see the forgot login on this page, so I don't have to spent my time looking up the passwords everytime someone of the 150 employees forget his/hers login password.
Is this possible in my case? I hope you can help me?