Your user id substitution isn't correct. You have [userid] and it needs to be [user_id]. You probably have a bunch of invalid subscription rows in your database too. You need to watch the subscriptions table to see if a row is inserted. I've no idea what [cb_date] is and it probably should be NOW() so the subscription starts the minute it was inserted. Below is an example from the information provided on page 1.
INSERT INTO `#__cbsubs_subscriptions` ( `status`, `user_id`, `plan_id`, `parent_plan`, `parent_subscription`, `replaces_plan`, `replaces_subscription`, `subscription_date`, `last_renewed_date`, `expiry_date`, `next_event_date`, `next_event_id`, `next_event_params`, `autorenew_type`, `autorecurring_type`, `regular_recurrings_total`, `regular_recurrings_used`, `previous_recurrings_used`, `previous_expiry_date`, `previous_status`, `ip_addresses`, `integrations` ) VALUES ( 'A', '[user_id]', 1, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NOW(), NOW(), DATE_ADD( NOW(), INTERVAL 1 YEAR ), NULL, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'R', '[registeripaddr]', '' )
I don't know what the duration of your plan is so assumed it's 1 year. So have calculated the expiration date for 1 year from time of subscription. When you add a subscription through a query you must calculate everything manually; we really really do not recommend this approach and beyond this I can't help you any further.