How do you currently display the link? I assume you are using the (automatic) CBmenu ? Or do you have a normal J! menu?
As far as CBmenu is concerned, there is no parameter to restrict one of the menu items. So, you might need to hide the menu link with CSS.
J! Menu and core MenuItems: Unfortunately, you are on J!1.5 That means, you can´t select a custom usergroup for your menuitems. A workaround to get there with J15 and CB core features:
CBcontent module:
Read its module parameter description in the backend. There is a hint, how you can place the CBmenu in this module! Than add the necessary CSS lines in the respective input box. The cool feature of this module: It can use CBsubstitutions. This means, you can conditionally display things and substitute CB field data in.
Assuming you have a CB field, which contains your "group" name or "type". Try the following lines in the CSS input text area:
[cb:if cb_yourgroup="YourGroupName"] li.cbMenu_UE_PM_USER { display: none; } [/cb:if]
Hint: If you use the CBcontent module method, you should also hide the original CBmenu. Just put your CBmenu TAB on a position called "not_on_profile_1". The plugin itself HAS to be published!
Alternative with jQuery:
You can also modify the menu with JavaScript/jQuery. Should have the same effect! Sorry, but jQuery is not my bag, yet. Support staff "krileon" might help here with the correct Syntax?! My guess is: