1./ When you create a new field in blog tab, in user profile appears below the blog. To make it appear above?
It's a plugin tab, normally they don't allow fields to be added. When they do however it's always below the tab contents. Basically you can't move the field above the tab contents.
2./ In edit profile tabs appears field privacy plugin . Can I put an icon there information?
Icon next to the privacy settings? Yes and no. You can add a description to your field that'll show an icon with mouseover display of your description, but it's specific to the field and not the privacy settings.
3./ I need to put information in edit profile tabs Gallery, Connections, Status... but it is not possible to add fields in those tables.
How can i do that?
They don't support fields, most plugin tabs don't, so you can't add fields to them. "Status" you can though as it's just the "User Status" tab available from the tab dropdown when creating or editing a field.
4./ I can create autoaccion on field 'profiletype_select' Profile Pro? At the moment I cannot. ( I know that it is question for profile Pro, but PP does not answer post a month ago and perhaps you know)
Don't understand the question. CB Auto Actions just performs various tasks at various CB triggers. Are you meaning for a Field action? If so then the field needs to be a valid CB field and existing in database for it to be select-able. If it's a part of CB Profile Pro then I've no idea as have never used it.