Hi everybody - while playing around with the translations of the column headers of the CBSubs payment basket I found a very strange behaviour/feature (I have latest Joomla / CB / CBSubs versions).
What I did:
If you look at the following screenshot you see the german translations of the 4 column headers called: 'Art. Num.', Item version 2', 'Gültigkeit', and 'Preis'. At the beginning I thought that everything works fine, because I found all the translation strings in the following (CBSubs) file (as an example I take the german version...but it is the same behaviour with the english version): /com_comprofiler/plugin/language/cbpaidsubscritionsgerman/german.php
What I realized was that the 'correct' translation (Item version 2) appears only if I refresh the browser again as soon as I see the payment basket for the first time). When the basket builds up for the first time the following appears:
So it was obvious to me that the translation information will change for this column header after a refresh of the browser. After an investigation I found out that there are 2 file locations which are relevant for the 'Item' translation string....
(a) the first location is here:
// here is the string 'Item' => 'Item Version 1' ...this string is relevant
// when the basket will be displayed for the first time (before refresh)
(b) ...and the second location is here
// here is the string 'Item' => 'item Version 2' ....this string is relevant
// when the basket will be displayed for the second time (after refresh)
..so the problem arose from the fact that (unfortunately) the 'Item' translation string was detected twice by the CBsubs component...once in language file for the CB component (a) and then also in the language file for the CBSubs component (b)....
From my point of view this is not correct, because only (b) should be relevant for CB-SUBS.
For the moment the workaround is easy: I have to adapt the language strings in (a) and (b) in the same way in order to get the same translation of the basket header 'Item' (before and after the browser refresh)
Has anybody an input concerning this?
Kind regards
(remark: in the picture I used 'Item version 1' in order to explain the issue)....No I clicked on to the 'refresh' button of the browser and then the follwoing screen was displayed: