They're both top aligned. You just have a top margin of 8px being applied to the labels on top of the labels falling to 2 lines due to being too long. It's not possible for the field value to always be aligned with the colon (unless both are on 1 line of course).
The below CSS is responsible for the top margin.
IN: templates/jp_default_2.5/css/theme1.css
ON: Line 1098
label {
color: inherit;
margin-top: 8px;
float: left;
The below CSS added to the bottom of your Joomla template CSS file will make the labels for the status display larger so they don't drop to 2 lines.
.cbPosTop .cbFieldsContentsTab .cb_form_line label {
margin-top: 0px;
width: 39%;
.cbPosTop .cbFieldsContentsTab .cb_form_line .cb_field {
width: 60%;