Create a eserlist with all your information for a user (in the order you want it in for your envelope label) in column 1. Now disable searching for that userlist. Once done navigate to the userlist URL except append &tmpl=component&print=1. That will give you a print friendly version of the URL. You'll then want to use some CSS to format it better for printing, cutting, and pasting to the envelope (or however you prefer to go about it). Please see the below for examples.
Example URL: index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=usersList&listid=4&tmpl=component&print=1
Example CSS:
#cbUsersListInner > .cb_form,
.cbUserListTable > thead,
.cbUserListHrBottom {
display: none;
.cbUserListTable tbody tr,
.cbUserListTable tbody tr td {
border: 0;
.cbUserListTable tbody tr {
border-bottom: 1px gray dashed;
.cbUserListTable .cbUserListCol1 {
width: 100%;
.cbUserListTable .cbUserListCol2,
.cbUserListTable .cbUserListCol3,
.cbUserListTable .cbUserListCol4 {
display: none;
Example Output:
CB really isn't designed to be an address book though. It's absolutely going to be best to just design a Joomla extension or a new CB plugin with a component page to display exactly what you need.