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[SOLVED] Email body translation to all group members

12 years 1 month ago - 12 years 1 month ago #219529 by saulephoto
I am having a hard time adjusting and translating what is in the email body to all group members when someone posts on the group wall - we want a message to be displayed instead of #number.

The email that we are getting is:

Title: Moderatoriai - Paskebtas įrašas ant sienos! (all correct in Lithuanian)
Ann created #51 in Moderatoriai! (not translated as you can see "created" and in").

The email that I want to be getting is:

Title: Moderatoriai - Paskebtas įrašas ant sienos! (all correct in Lithuanian)
Ann created "...text of all wall post..." in Moderatoriai! (in my language - lithuanian).

I have translated files in

Thank you!
Last edit: 12 years 1 month ago by krileon.

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12 years 1 month ago #219572 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Email body translation to all group members
All language strings are included within the language plugin provided with the GJ package. My guess is your Italian GJ language plugin is out of date. Below is the strings you're looking for as of GJ 2.7rc1.

New Reply
Subject: [group_name] - Wall Post Reply Created!
Body: [user] created [wall_title_linked] as reply to [wall_reply_title_linked] in [group]!

New Post
Subject: [group_name] - Wall Post Created!
Body: [user] created [wall_title_linked] in [group]!

New Aproval
Subject: [group_name] - Wall Post Requires Approval!
Body: [user] created [wall_title_linked] in [group] and requires approval!

Post Updated
Subject: [group_name] - Wall Post Edited!
Body: [user] edited [wall_title_linked] in [group]!

Kyle (Krileon)
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12 years 1 month ago #219593 by saulephoto
Replied by saulephoto on topic Email body translation to all group members
The translation part is solved. The issue was that I was compressing the folder (on MAC) and I needed to compress files within the folder before uploading as a language plugin.

My language file has correct lines:

'[user] created [wall_title_linked] as reply to [wall_reply_title_linked] in [group]!' => '[user] parašė [wall_title_linked] atsakymą į [wall_reply_title_linked] grupėje [group]!',
'[group_name] - Wall Post Edited!' => '[group_name] - Įrašas ant sienos pakeistas!',
'[user] edited [wall_title_linked] in [group]!' => '[user] pakeitė [wall_title_linked] grupėje [group]!',
'[group_name] - Wall Post Created!' => '[group_name] - Paskebtas įrašas ant sienos!',
'[user] created [wall_title_linked] in [group] and requires approval!' => '[user] parašė [wall_post] grupėje [group] ir laukia patvirtinimo!',
'[user] created [wall_title_linked] in [group]!' => '[user] parašė [wall_title_linked] grupėje [group]!',

I am still getting the post number as a link to the post instead the message within the email.

Ann parašė #55 grupėje Moderatoriai!

Maybe I am missing some setting?

Attached is what I see on the group wall and the output of mod_cbgroupjive. I assume the mod_cbgroupjive should also display the message instead of the post number?

Group wall


Thank you.

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  • krileon
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12 years 1 month ago #219601 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Email body translation to all group members
The notification is supposed to have the post number. It doesn't have a title so it uses the ID as its title. If you want it to include the post, but linked use the below in the notification.

<a href="[wall_url]">[wall_post]</a>

Kyle (Krileon)
Community Builder Team Member
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Please note I am available Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM CST to 4:00 PM CST. I am away on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and if I've missed your post on or before a weekend after business hours please wait for the next following business day (Monday) and will get to your issue as soon as possible, thank you.
My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.

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12 years 1 month ago #219608 by saulephoto
Replied by saulephoto on topic Email body translation to all group members
That worked perfectly!

Thank you :)

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11 years 6 months ago #233266 by
Replied by on topic Email body translation to all group members

krileon wrote: The notification is supposed to have the post number. It doesn't have a title so it uses the ID as its title. If you want it to include the post, but linked use the below in the notification.

<a href="[wall_url]">[wall_post]</a>

I used this solution and it was perfect but I would like also do the same with a reply:

I would like to replace [wall_title_linked] and [wall_reply_title_linked] by their text.
It is something like this is working?
<a href="[wall_linked_url]">[wall_linked_post]</a>
<a href="[wall_reply_linked_url]">[wall_reply_linked_post]</a>

In advance, thank you,

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