The translation part is solved. The issue was that I was compressing the folder (on MAC) and I needed to compress files within the folder before uploading as a language plugin.
My language file has correct lines:
'[user] created [wall_title_linked] as reply to [wall_reply_title_linked] in [group]!' => '[user] parašė [wall_title_linked] atsakymą į [wall_reply_title_linked] grupėje [group]!',
'[group_name] - Wall Post Edited!' => '[group_name] - Įrašas ant sienos pakeistas!',
'[user] edited [wall_title_linked] in [group]!' => '[user] pakeitė [wall_title_linked] grupėje [group]!',
'[group_name] - Wall Post Created!' => '[group_name] - Paskebtas įrašas ant sienos!',
'[user] created [wall_title_linked] in [group] and requires approval!' => '[user] parašė [wall_post] grupėje [group] ir laukia patvirtinimo!',
'[user] created [wall_title_linked] in [group]!' => '[user] parašė [wall_title_linked] grupėje [group]!',
I am still getting the post number as a link to the post instead the message within the email.
Ann parašė #55 grupėje Moderatoriai!
Maybe I am missing some setting?
Attached is what I see on the group wall and the output of mod_cbgroupjive. I assume the mod_cbgroupjive should also display the message instead of the post number?
Group wall
Thank you.