1. CBSubs GPL version admin pages show; "Connection to update server failed: Error: Error: cURL could not retrieve the document, error 7.0"
CB shows "ERROR: connection failed (13)13"
I understand this is a host firewall issue and have disabled the outgoing Connections protection; is this the only connection that CB requires and can I add it to an 'approved list'.
This is probably to our update checker or the currency exchange rate checker. Either/or you'll need to monitor your firewall then add an exception or allow outgoing unrestricted.
2. "Admin handler class cbpaidAdminView does not exist"; after saving an update to CBSubs settings>expiry handlings; set to 'Front End'. This seems to be a warning only; Visiting another page and then returning to the Settings page shows the update in place.
Ensure CB Paid Subscriptions is published within CB > Plugin Management and confirm if issue persists.