Joomla 2.5.6
CB 1.9
GJ 2.7.0rc2
I have the redirect for login active.
User clicks on Login and is taken to /index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=191334&Itemid=319340 (which is an article page with the CB login form embedded)
Then clicking on the "forgot Login" link brings up: /registration/lostpassword
selecting either the lost username or lost password triggers the same effect; Once the user clicks submit, the page /component/comprofiler/done?Itemid=319166 is loaded with the "Username reminder sent to your email address... " across the top and then a red-banner reading: "Error loading Modules:"
Now, before I get the usual response of "just read the FAQ and the docs... I have done so. The FAQ has no information on this error at all.
There **IS** a public menu item for the comprofiler component (although it is not in a visible menu) and there is a registered only link to the profile in the main menu.
This error is very frustrating... Any help?