I have latest: CB / Joomla / CBSubs versions. When I introduce an integer entry field on one of my CB-tabs and let the user enter a non integer value the following message appears (after trying to do a save): 'Not an integer'. My problem ist that I don't know how to translate this message into german. I had a look in the file structure and found the following 2 files which should be responsible for tis translation into english / german:
...with the translation string inside:
'Not an integer' => 'Keine Ganzzahl (integer)',
...with the translation string inside:
'Not an integer' => 'Not an integer',
But it seems that nor the english translation nor the german translation have an effect on the translation procedure (i tried to modify both string (eng and ger)) ....the message from CB after having received a non integer value is always the same: 'Not an integer'.....independent of the website language or the strings in the above mentioned files
Can anybody help me :huh:
regards Eric