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Problems with CB Connect

12 years 5 days ago - 12 years 5 days ago #222142 by whitetigeritaly
Problems with CB Connect was created by whitetigeritaly
I tried CB Connect some months ago, without success and so I've uninstalled the plugin.
Now, with new release of CB and of the plugins I've started a new test because for us is strategic the login with the social networks accounts.

In the zip there are the configuration of CB, CB Login and CB Connect.
I tried with a user already registered in our portal and with a new user.

First consideration
For a simple user is not friendly to think a three-step process: first a normal login; then he must link his CB account with his social networks account and, third, only from this moment he is able to login with the social network account.
If he sees the "facebook" icon in the Login module he will want to login by facebook immediately. Why he must think that there is a preliminary process?
At least is need a link near to these icons for a help page.

Second consideration
He tried many times with my Twitter, Google, Facebook and Linkedin accounts.
Only with Twitter I've got the access quickly. With the other accounts I had to try many times (without change the parameters of the plugin). With Hotmail account I gave up.
A simple user would give up immediately.

Third consideration
With my superadmin profile I've had always an error like "only superadmin can change the values".
I had to change the profile in "registered". From this point I was able to create the links and then to login with social networks accounts, also as superadmin.

Fourth consideration
Then I tried with a new user in Joomla using Linkedin.
So I've create his profile in linkedin and then I tried the login with linkedin icon.
I was expecting to see the registration page of Joomla with at least his name and the email used on linkedin.
Instead I see an error of captcha (Why?) and the registration page empty.
However the plugin has connected the user in Linkedin because if I write in the browser the linkedin URL I see the home page of the user.
The same thing happens with other social networks and also disabling the captcha plugin in CB and Joomla.

Fifth consideration
After this test, every other attempt shows quickly a white form and immediately the error. Maybe because the connection with Linkedin is already activated, but this is not clear for the user.

So, I wish to know:
1) Is there another documentation, other than the help in the plugins?

2) For the users already exist in the portal the process is
-Normal login
-Link to social network
-Login with social network.

but for a new user what is the process?

3) What are the process for users with a superadmin profile?

4) In the CB Login, before of the social network icons is it possible to insert a link to a page for some help?

5) If in normal registration there are none captcha, why with the registration by CB connect I see the error "The words you entered did not match those shown. Retry." (in Italian, in my portal) ?

Thanks in advance
Last edit: 12 years 5 days ago by whitetigeritaly.

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  • krileon
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12 years 4 days ago #222178 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Problems with CB Connect

For a simple user is not friendly to think a three-step process: first a normal login; then he must link his CB account with his social networks account and, third, only from this moment he is able to login with the social network account.

It's done this way so someone doesn't link to an account that isn't theirs. How is Facebook supposed to know what CB user to link to? It doesn't. You can't use email either as most of the social sites don't give you an email address. When they do you can specify a different email to send to the application in the login dialog so it'd be easy to hijack an admins account if someone wanted so such a feature was not and will not be added. Once the user has linked accounts they can use either/or login to login fine.

If he sees the "facebook" icon in the Login module he will want to login by facebook immediately. Why he must think that there is a preliminary process?

It already does this. You only need to use Linking to link an existing account to a social site account. This is normal implementation that all sites use for linking existing accounts, but is normally found in account settings and instead I've provided it as a button in the login module.

He tried many times with my Twitter, Google, Facebook and Linkedin accounts.
Only with Twitter I've got the access quickly. With the other accounts I had to try many times (without change the parameters of the plugin). With Hotmail account I gave up.
A simple user would give up immediately.

What do you mean many tries? Were there errors? What happened? Did you configure your applications properly? Once configured properly it should all work fine (does in my tests).

With my superadmin profile I've had always an error like "only superadmin can change the values".
I had to change the profile in "registered". From this point I was able to create the links and then to login with social networks accounts, also as superadmin.

Don't understand. Where are you receiving this? New registration? Linking to super administrator?

1) Is there another documentation, other than the help in the plugins?

The plugin shows you step by step with pictures in CB Connect > Help. There is no documentation as none is needed as it already provides for you configuration help.

2) For the users already exist in the portal the process is

This is normal.

but for a new user what is the process?

Click sign in and login to the social site if not done already then authorize the application. This is all done in a popup. Once authorized it'll close then register and log them in. If the social site didn't provide an email address it'll ask them to provide one.

3) What are the process for users with a superadmin profile?

Same as everyone else.

4) In the CB Login, before of the social network icons is it possible to insert a link to a page for some help?

You can add before/after text to the CB login module directly when editing the module. CB Connect has no such feature.

5) If in normal registration there are none captcha, why with the registration by CB connect I see the error "The words you entered did not match those shown. Retry." (in Italian, in my portal) ?

Do you have Captcha for login enabled? If so, disable it. CB Connect uses normal registration API that fires CB triggers that CB Captcha maybe acting on.

Please don't attach archives with images. Simply attach the images. For security sake I don't download user attachments, sorry.

Kyle (Krileon)
Community Builder Team Member
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My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.

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12 years 3 days ago - 12 years 3 days ago #222231 by whitetigeritaly
Replied by whitetigeritaly on topic Problems with CB Connect

krileon wrote:

For a simple user is not friendly to think a three-step process: first a normal login; then he must link his CB account with his social networks account and, third, only from this moment he is able to login with the social network account.

It's done this way so someone doesn't link to an account that isn't theirs.

I understand

He tried many times with my Twitter, Google, Facebook and Linkedin accounts.
Only with Twitter I've got the access quickly. With the other accounts I had to try many times (without change the parameters of the plugin). With Hotmail account I gave up.
A simple user would give up immediately.

What do you mean many tries? Were there errors? What happened? Did you configure your applications properly? Once configured properly it should all work fine (does in my tests).

The plugins and applications are properly configurated; there are already two users connected. There are not errors, simple there are not links. Then, after another try the link is actived. Maybe is cache or maybe not.
The link to Windows Live worked only with IE.

With my superadmin profile I've had always an error like "only superadmin can change the values".
I had to change the profile in "registered". From this point I was able to create the links and then to login with social networks accounts, also as superadmin.

Don't understand. Where are you receiving this? New registration? Linking to super administrator?

Linking. If the user is Superadmin he is already registered. ;)

but for a new user what is the process?

Click sign in and login to the social site if not done already then authorize the application. This is all done in a popup. Once authorized it'll close then register and log them in. If the social site didn't provide an email address it'll ask them to provide one.

Don't go!
I see the popup (Linkedin), but when I click on "Authorize!", after some seconds I see the registration page (empty) and the Joomla Error "The words you entered did not match those shown. Retry." (in Italian, in my portal).

With the two debug options enabled isee a lot of messages like:
Notice: Use of undefined constant name - assumed 'name' in MY-PATH-SERVER-DOMAIN/plugins/content/getcbfield/getcbfield.php on line 33

with severals variables and the message:
Notice: Undefined index: view in MY-PATH-SERVER-DOMAIN//components/com_content/router.php on line 48

3) What are the process for users with a superadmin profile?

Same as everyone else.

In my portal no!

4) In the CB Login, before of the social network icons is it possible to insert a link to a page for some help?

You can add before/after text to the CB login module directly when editing the module. CB Connect has no such feature.

Too distant, user don't see this. Furthermore this is the usual area for disclaimer not for the "help".
Can I modify the code of CBLogin to insert a string before where the icons are showed?
Can you give me some suggestion?

5) If in normal registration there are none captcha, why with the registration by CB connect I see the error "The words you entered did not match those shown. Retry." (in Italian, in my portal) ?

Do you have Captcha for login enabled? If so, disable it. CB Connect uses normal registration API that fires CB triggers that CB Captcha maybe acting on.

No captcha? And how do I avoid spam? :blink:
However, also with capchta disabled the registration doesn't work.

Joomla is 2.5.9
CB is 1.9
CB Connect is 3.4.3

Can you try directly?
New Edit

I think that CB Connect is too related to cache or something else temporary.
With Chrome or Firefox, in Linux or Win7/8, usually I do login/logout with more users for test without any problems and without to delete caches.
When I use CB Connect is a delirium: I have a lot of different results without any logic!
I see a message or another message, a window or another window, ...

For example with login with a Facebook link now I see "There is an error. Retry Later" but the user is logs in the portal. Five minutes ago there are no problems.
For example trying to create the link a Windows Live I confirm the apps, then also in this window I see my portal (!!!) and without any link.
It is not easy to list different things.

Now I'm working with Virtual Machines and snapshots continuosly created and deleted...
but always without a linear process.
With the same two tests and without to change the parameters I have two different results.

And I think is absolutely need to know the configuration of Joomla and CB.
Last edit: 12 years 3 days ago by whitetigeritaly.

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  • krileon
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12 years 3 days ago #222242 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Problems with CB Connect
I've tested all the social sites on 3 sites (j1.5, j2.5, and j3.0) as all working fine. Whatever issues you're having are either conflict or configuration related. Maybe you've something installed causing silent fatal errors. Most likely case is you did not configure the social sites properly; their configuration is strict and the Help section explains exactly what to configure.

When doing your login tests you need to monitor error console to see if the social sites API throws an error as they're all JS based. The social sites are also extremely strict with domain matching. You can not setup your applications for then use them at as they are not the same. You would need a domain redirect in place to force them to the correct domain.

If you're using a localhost then this could also be a problem as the social sites need internet access to function properly. You need a valid domain as well. Some will work with your IP Address and others need an actual domain, which you can fake by adding to your hosts file if on windows.

Kyle (Krileon)
Community Builder Team Member
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My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.

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12 years 3 days ago - 12 years 3 days ago #222251 by whitetigeritaly
Replied by whitetigeritaly on topic Problems with CB Connect
-the site is in production, not localhost.
-the domain is correct
-also the parameters and the configuration of the applications are corrected; there are some users connected. It's hard create the links, but trying more times this is possible. At the moment it is not possible register new user (I reported in my last post the errors)
-I don't monitored JS errors, but I don't understand why I have to think about these errors. If there are JS errors, then I cannot have users connected and instead there are.

However, if the problems around linking are related only to my tests, these are not really problems.
Now I can start a test with a little number of real users.
The big problem is that I'm not able to register new users and I don't understand why.
Last edit: 12 years 3 days ago by whitetigeritaly.

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  • krileon
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12 years 3 days ago - 12 years 3 days ago #222252 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Problems with CB Connect

The big problem is that I'm not able to register new users and I don't understand why.

I have no idea, works fine on all 3 of my test sites. You said you've users that already are using it so it apparently is working. Perhaps your social sites have incomplete profiles. It needs a name to format a username as well as populate name fields in Joomla/CB. Ensure the registration usergroup is at least set to Registered as setting it to Public will not work (login will fail).

PM backend super administrator login credentials and will take a look.

Kyle (Krileon)
Community Builder Team Member
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If I've missed your support post with a delay of 3 days or greater and are a Professional, Developer, or CBSubs subscriber please send me a private message with your thread and will reply when possible!
Please note I am available Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM CST to 4:00 PM CST. I am away on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and if I've missed your post on or before a weekend after business hours please wait for the next following business day (Monday) and will get to your issue as soon as possible, thank you.
My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.
Last edit: 12 years 3 days ago by krileon.

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