I have 4 dropdown fields which which appears depends on previous selections.
Beside the entire field, I also try to present only a selection of options, depends on the selected option in the previous field.
To do that, I have to use the "field conditional others" option, and actually in to different conditions for the same field.
For example:
if field 1 option 1 is chosen, show field two, options 1-3.
if field 1 option 2 is chosen, show filed two, options 3-6 and also show filed 3.
and so on...
But, the options I chose to show or hide, are not saved. Or sometimes they are saved, but it seams that the call for the parameters are failed (I've looked at the fields table in the database to see what is actually saved...).
It is not consistent... what I can say for sure is, that if I change any parameter of the field, the options to show or hide selection are gone...
I hope that I'm doing something wrong and that this is not a bug, since this feature is great!