Sorry, for hi-jacking this topic... but it has the piece of information i am curious about. I also posted a general topic about documentation etc.
How should I know how to write such a comparison? I mean the field names prefix
var1_ and
var3_. Are there any docs? AFAIK, there is no explanation why it is used with this naming scheme. Does it always have var1 and 3? Is there anything else?
I really love to learn and study... but I can´t in regards of Auto-Actions etc.
Maybe all this seems obvious and easy for you, but I am still confused and curious about the options and Syntax.
Thanks in advance!
krileon wrote: You can check that it has changed by comparing var1 email to var3 email. var1 contains the new user object and var3 contains the old user object. So for example you'd have the below conditional.
[var1_email] Not Equal To [var3_email]