You'll need to make CSS adjustments to increase the label size. There's actually already CSS in place to specifically targets that location so you'll need to just adjust the following.
IN: components/com_comprofiler/plugin/templates/bootstrap/template.css
ON: Line 1744
.cb_template_bootstrap .cb_tab_content .cb_form_line div div .cb_form_line > label,
.cb_template_bootstrap .cbPosTop .cb_form_line > label,
.cb_template_bootstrap .webUrlSpan > .subTitleSpan,
.cb_template_bootstrap .webTextSpan > .subTitleSpan {
width: 31.914893614%;
*width: 31.8617021246383%;
text-align: left;
Next you'll need to adjust the width of the field value next to it, which is found below.
IN: components/com_comprofiler/plugin/templates/bootstrap/template.css
ON: Line 1760
.cb_template_bootstrap .cb_tab_content .cb_form_line div div .cb_form_line > .cb_field,
.cb_template_bootstrap .cbPosTop .cb_form_line > .cb_field,
.cb_template_bootstrap .webUrlSpan > .subFieldSpan,
.cb_template_bootstrap .webTextSpan > .subFieldSpan {
width: 65.95744680199999%;
*width: 65.90425531263828%;
The widths are based off Twitter Bootstrap fluid-row span sizes. You can find more on this below.
Currently it's a 4/8 width setup. For a 6/6 you'd set both their widths to the below.
width: 48.93617021276595%;
*width: 48.88297872340425%;